Top 100 Best Greek Mythology Baby Names

What baby name to choose is something most parents-to-be wonder about from the minute they see the positive test, if not before. It’s not a decision to take lightly — a name is for life.
Studies show we often tend to judge people by their names. So, naming your baby girl Tesla or Fanta (yes, parents have done that) might lead to unwanted attention later on.
It’s a huge responsibility — how can you make it easier? One way is to narrow your choices down to a specific category or meaning.

This is what we’ve done — we’ve gathered 100 Greek mythology baby names for boys and girls.

Here are 50 Greek mythology names for boys, inspired by the Gods themselves!

1. Abraxas

Abraxas is a mystical word composed of Greek letters. It was believed to have magical powers and was often inscribed on amulets and charms.

Around the second century AD, early Gnostics (ancient Greek religious thinkers) used the word to describe their god. Abraxas is described as a talisman with a cock’s head, but a man’s body (2). The name has often been used in pop culture. One example is in the book and movie, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.

2. Achilles

Achilles means “thin-lipped” and was the name of one of the most famous Greek heroes. He was known as a warrior with incredible strength and remarkable bravery.

Despite all his power, he did have a vulnerable spot dubbed the “Achilles heel,” which is an expression widely used to this day.

3. Adonis

Adonis translates to “lord” in Greek. Derived from a Greek mythology figure, Adonis is a name often related to masculine beauty.

Since the early 2000s, Adonis’s popularity has grown immensely. Today, it’s ranked as number 366 of baby boy names in the U.S.

4. Ajax

Ajax is another Greek hero, known for being featured in Homer’s Iliad. He was formerly known as Ajax the Great.

Despite Ajax being a mighty name with a strong meaning, it’s also the title of a cleanser. So, if the reference is too strong, you can use Jax instead.

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